Success in our daily conversation connotes riches, fame, and some sorts of social status but the truthfulness or accuracy of that mentality is often questionable especially when we dig below the surface of what the source of such riches is. A good way to start is to ask if inherited riches can be regarded as Success; this is probably a child that never worked for anything but became rich, famous, and influential as a result of the fact that someone has left those things for him. He surely made no contribution to acquire those riches except may be by been a responsible child but the actual sweat that accumulated the wealth did he not contribute.
Success is the accomplishment of a previously had mission or the achievement of consciously set goals. Therefore, success can not be measured in financial terms because I may say, “I have succeeded” if lose some pounds of my weight after making some conscious efforts to lose it even though no financial benefit is may be attached to losing the weight.
Success in life does not always wait on how much money you have to kick-start a project or get your ideas off the launching pad. The five P’s in this piece will help achieve your goals no matter what they are.
Purpose: This is often referred to as “Set Goals”; that thing that you want to achieve. For you to be successful, there’s need for you to set realistic and reasonable goals that is within your capacity and be reduced to writing. When you set them, stick to them and review them when necessary. A survey shows that only 3% of people around the world reduce their purpose to writing and 1% review those purposes. Be as definite as if an angel will appear to you at anytime t ask you what your purpose in life is, if you stammer or stutter, you don’t have a goal.
Passion: This is the enthusiasm you have for your purpose that keeps you awake in the night. Real passion will keep you working while others are resting, fasting while they are dining, stooping while they are crouching, and stretching while they are folding. It makes you restless, ready to sacrifice everything and work against all odds. A paraphrase of what Napoleon Hill said in his book Think And Grow Rich “Wishing (purpose) will not give you riches (success in anything) but the desire with a state of mind that becomes an obsession (passion). The moment your purpose takes the center-stage of your thought, it will automatically take prominence in your actions, and then you are on the highway to achieving success. Remember, passion knows no failure or at least does not bow to it.
Plan: Now, you are at the stage that requires that you slow down a bit. Put you purpose, mission, or goal on paper; weigh the required sacrifices like time, finance, leisure, and human resources that will be help in achieving your goals. Make a list of what you are ready to give as an exchange for your set goals. The saying that “he who fail to plan, plan to fail” can’t be more correct because proper planning will give you vision to see ahead in time, the potholes of what would have been obstacles on you highway to success. Declare in your plans that you will not back off until your purpose is realized- Persistence. If those plans fail, don’t give up, review them and try again.
People: All the money, time and other resources you need and can not provide for to make your purpose a success is in the hands of other people and if you are learned in human relations, they will not only be willing to offer you the needed help but will also be glad they did. Dale Carnegie says, “15% of one’s financial success is due to one’s technical knowledge and about 85% is due to skill in human engineering”. When you are interested in people, they will in turn be interested in you, but don’t let your interest in them be centred on what you want to get from them. It has to be real. Stop thinking of taking the glory alone; there is always something to benefit from involving people- two good heads are better than one. This should also not translate into servitude or total dependence, it require just petty sacrifices.
5. Prayer: If you have not known the spiritual force behind your being, leave your purpose at this stage and go find out. It